Embassy and Consulates of Belgium in Ireland
Home Embassy and consulates Embassy in Dublin Address and opening hours

Address and opening hours

Embassy Dublin
1 Elgin Road, Ballsbridge 
Dublin 4 

T: +353 1 631 50 00 (no visa queries)

Dublin@diplobel.fed.be (for general enquiries)

dublin.visa@diplobel.fed.be (for visa enquiries)

consulate.dublin@diplobel.fed.be (for passport, eID, nationality etc.)


Emergency telephone service for Belgians outside office hours

The emergency phone service is reserved for Belgians in the event of a highly time sensitive emergency outside office hours.  During office hours (9 AM-5 PM) you therefore call the regular number +353 (0)1 631 50 00.

Here is the emergency number of the Consulate General in Dublin: +353(0)86 751 0036.  

In the event of theft or loss of documents, please do not phone between 8 p.m. and 8 a.m, unless you need urgent assistance. 
Opening hours

From Monday to Friday 9am – 1pm and 2pm – 3pm by appointment.

Visa applications are Monday - Thursday by appointment only.

The Embassy will be closed on the following days in 2023

Monday 02/01/2023 New Year Public Holiday
Monday 06/02/2023 St. Brigid's Day
Friday 17/03/2023 St. Patrick's Day
Monday 10/04/2023 Easter Monday
Monday 01/05/2023 May Public Holiday
Thursday 18/05/2023 Ascension Day
Monday 05/06/2023 June Public Holiday
Friday 21/07/2023 Belgian National Day
Monday 07/08/2023 August Public Holiday
Tuesday 15/08/2023 Assumption
Monday 30/10/2023 October Public Holiday
Friday 10/11/2023 Armistice Day
Monday 25/12/2023 Christmas Day
Tuesday 26/12/2023 St. Stephen's Day
Wednesday 27/12/2023 Replacement Day